So its been a few months since i posted last. work and personal upheavals have kept me focused on the "real" world over my geek-nation. Every time i return from a sabbatical of geekery, the first way I check the pulse of geekdom: comic books.
Before video games, role playing games and parallel with anime was my childhood exposure to comic books. I've always had more than a love for comics. a devoted passion, with the leniency of a pussy whipped teenager dating the super model. i love comics.
but every now and the i grow a pair and put my foot down. in the early 90s i chose marvel over DC. in the lat 90s i choose image over both. i decided that batman was cooler than superman and that (while everyone else seems to love him) Hugh Jackman IS NOT wolverine.
I've come to that point once more. while we all know that there is an un-written rule that comic book characters can never stay dead, i believe that it doesn't apply necessarily to the one that holds a mantle or title yet instead to the title itself. granted prerequisites are necessary ( batman must be a solemn, intelligent, bad ass), but I'm realy getting tired of characters dieing and not staying dead.
the "alternate reality/clone/time travel/robot/resurrection" bit was stale in the 90's. now i just feel taken advantage of. as far back as Bucky Barnes, characters have been killed and brought back from the dead. i believe the dead deserve a little respect. if your going to resurrect everyone then it goes without question that their death meant nothing in the first place. and that i can not stand for. i love this medium too much to watch it become a bad cliche without respect for itself, only looking for its next payday.

I'm not against resurrecting characters though. the Jason Todd and Bucky Barnes Resurrections both meant something important that changed their respective landscapes. but consider this . . . everyone remembers the death of superman . . . who remembers his resurrection? reign of the supermen anyone? what about Batman's and Capt America's recent deaths and resurrections? now ill admit i missed final crisis, but civil war was my baby. few comics are as lauded as this one by myself. and when a resurrected character himself, Bucky Barnes donned cap's helm i couldn't have been more happy. then with Dick Greyson becoming the new batman all i could think was "its about damn time!" but unfortunately it appears like neither of these revamped super heroes will get their chance to shine.
as a side note, its almost a joke how often Jean Grey and Xavier have died, and how many flash's and Green Lanterns are we up to now? like 9 or something? give a character a little time to develop. even Jason Todd wasn't killed immediately and everyone hated him . . . . but 15 years later they resurrected him and now i cant see the DCU without him as a villain!
i would like to present this question to anyone that cares: if you could kill off any comic book character, who would be your top 5?