Hooooly crap!! I'm blogging . . . . . and I'm not sure what to say. Well the whole point of this in the first place was to share, reflect, and discuss the myriad aspects of Geekdom (geek-dom: noun. pertaining to or having qualities of 'geek culture' e.g. comic books, science fiction, video games, role playing games, general fantasy, anime and 80's cartoons).
I guess I'll start off with something recent. I just saw the new Ironman 2 film last weekend.
As much as my inner-geek was freaking out, about 32.6 million things were going through my head. RDJ (Robert Downy Jr) and Ed Norton can't be cheap and they have two relative no- names cast as Thor and Cap (sure, Chris Evans isn't a no-name, but as the leader of the Avengers, he sure as hell ain't Brad Pitt!) . Will that effect the quality of the Avengers film? Perhaps focusing the film on the "two Stars" and not the Avengers as a whole? Why does Whiplash have a "Suit"? Where is the 10 Rings, the Mandarin and Crimson Dynamo? I actually prefer Don Cheadle as Rhodes over Tarrance Howard.
This series of thoughts lead to other subjects like: when marvel gets the rights to do X-Men, Spiderman and the Fantastic Four from Fox and Sony, will they even bother making movies for them (after their thorough whoring of the franchises by the aforementioned companies)? Will Disney stick their collective rodent nose into further projects, thus making them more "family friendly" and "marketable" (Deadpool anyone)? Call me an opinionated pessimist, but as much as the 12 year old inside me dances with shouts of jubilation (that sounded weird) when ever a new comic book movie comes out i have to stop and think . . . . never forgive what they did to Venom, Deadpool and Galactus.
Thoughts? Opinions?
Wow, that wasn't so hard (that's what she said). Well, as i bid adieu and revel in the glory that is Geekdom . . . . . I ask myself a final Question: who would win, Jango Fett or Major Kusanagi?
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