This blogging thing could become an addiction if I'm not careful . . . . .
About to write my second post and this one is a sensitive subject: the Nintendo Wii.
the Doctrine according to Ben. Chapter 1 verse 1. the Nintendo Wii will destroy: hardcore gaming as we know it i.e. intelligent multi-player and imersive single player, gaming ever having a chance at being respected as a viable art form, and gaming ever maturing from being seen as "childish" to being seen as "mainstream"( even though in 2009 gaming nearly tied Hollywood in sales with $9 billion).
This frustration stems from months of tension primarily due to Roger Ebert's continued, biased and uneducated rants. Now, while there is no such thing as a "complete gamer" as everyone has their likes and dislikes, strengths and weakness', I consider myself (on my nearly non-existent income) a rounded gamer. I literally "don't knock it till I've tried it" and I've tried allot, so I believe I see gaming from all sides. My parents are anti-gamers (i played games at my friends house until i was 17 when i got my first PS2 . . . sad), I was a Sony loyalist until I couldn't afford the PS3, and a current 360 and PC gamer (Starcraft 2!).
. . . I'm ranting. My point was the evil success that Nintindo has wrought upon us. I have no problem with the motion control Wii-mote (and it's lack of diversity), I'm actually jealous. How bad-ass would Halo:Reach or Soul Caliber 5 be with motion controls and appropriate acuity?! I don't have a problem with the fact that the Wii has no HD capability. In all honesty the Wii looks amazing . . . not HD, but amazing none the less. My problem is with what Nintendo is purposely marketing. Mini-games. Sports-sims. Exercise games. Sure, you could argue that it still has the Mario, Zelda and Metroid franchises, but that's one maybe two games a year! That's not what is selling consoles. I hope and pray that Nintendo will change It's marketing strategy, otherwise within the next console generation (about 6 years) you can say good bye to the Mass Effect, Uncharted, and Assassins Creed franchises. New games that could all be considered valid forms of Adult Entertainment (not like XXX you dirty minds. I mean high-brow and educated) and cover a vast spectrum of challenging game play, plot-heavy and dramatic experiences, thematic and unique settings and . . . dare I say it, visual art.
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